Author: test01
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Short Description:

Say what you'll do while the timer is still running!

Full Description

It's basically a timer. You state what you'll do, like 'Lift Shirt' or 'Use Toy', then state how many seconds x amount of tips is worth, for example 5 tips adds 10 seconds. If someone tips 5, 10 seconds will be added to your timer which will be displayed underneath the video feed.

There's also a bonus section. So say it's 5 tips = 10 seconds, you can also say 10 tips adds a bonus 2 seconds, so it will be 22 seconds in total. This is optional.

The periodic message is self explanatory. It will display a message every x minutes in this format:
Message + For every x tips, x seconds will be added to the timer. (if you use bonuses) + A bonus x seconds will be added for every x tips.
This is also optional.

All commands are only usable by the cammer.
/start - Starts the timer.
/stop - Stops the timer.
/pause - Stops the timer.
/add x - Where x is a number, add x seconds to the timer.

You can tell the state of the timer in the window under the video feed.
If it's playing, it will look like this:

If it's paused, it will look like this:
00:00 (paused)

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